Appliances – List of Appliances – Home Appliances – Easy English

Appliances – List of Appliances – Home Appliances – Easy English

In this lesson you will learn about the name of appliances that you regularly use at home. There are other appliances which are not related to your home but they are useful to learn such as aileron, radar, telescope. You will find that the lesson that you are learning is useful to quickly improve your English.

You will learn the following list of appliances in this easy English lessons: abacus, aileron, airplane, light bulb, camera, can opener, tools box, electrical outlet, engine, car engine, aircraft engine, steam engine, locomotive, fan, flashlight, freezer, funnel, gyroscope, clothes hangers, incandescent light bulb, inventor, iron, joystick, train, lock, magnifying glass, microscope, microwave oven, mirror, telephone, padlock, paper clip, pliers, radar, radio, refrigerator, remote control, rocket, safety pin, scale, sewing machine, sonar, telescope, television, thermometer, thermos, toaster, vacuum cleaner, video camera, weather radar, wing mirror, yoke.

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