Electronic Lure Review – EVERYTHING you need to know about electronics – Twitchy Balista Livingston

Electronic Lure Review – EVERYTHING you need to know about electronics – Twitchy Balista Livingston

The list of electronic lures on the market is growing every year, it is extremely difficult to know which brands are legitimate and which brands are taking the mickey out of us. Here at Balista lures we’ve been working on electronic lures for over 10 years, we’ve seen many of the issues that come up when producing lures with electronics so we’ve put together a video that gives you the questions to ask when evaluating any brand of electronic lure.
If you would like any more information on Balista lures and our LED technology jump on over to our website www.balista.com.au


  1. Mas Hadi Black Fishing trip kaleng2 on December 11, 2019 at 4:20 am

    I wanna once…but i haven’t some money to buy it…will you have send me free to indonesia…

  2. Kayak Hacks Fishing on December 11, 2019 at 4:21 am

    Interesting that red works best. I thought the red wavelength did not penetrate very far in water. Your comment that these work best in murky water tracks with my experience using LED flashing lights as well. Since I do not have the inclination to do all your research, I just used an LED that flashes all the colors – now I know I can just go red. Thanks.

  3. Semen Mouth on December 11, 2019 at 4:35 am

    Awesome video man!

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