[BizSmart] DK Corporation, a manufacturer of home electronics parts

[BizSmart] DK Corporation, a manufacturer of home electronics parts

DK Corporation, a manufacturer of home electronics parts / 전기기자재 분야를 선도하는 기업, ‘디이시스’

DEESYS is a manufacturer of high quality power protective relay. The company has achieved growth along with the development of the electric power industry. It has manufactured Digital power protective relay, Earth leakage detector and Ground fault which are used to protect electrical devices from possible electrical accidents. Also, the company has produced digital meter which is a device that measures the accuracy of electricity in order to tackle the unstable power supply. It has focused on developing electrical technology and eco-friendly products by combining electronic technology and IT skills. We look into DEESYS, a company that has put a lot of efforts to deal with the rapidly changing technology and environment and to take a leading role in the market.

우수한 품질의 전력보호계전기 제품을 만드는 기업! ‘디이시스’
전력산업 발전과 함께 성장해온 ‘디이시스’는 재난사고 시 전기사고로부터 전력기기를 보호하는데 쓰이는 디지털 전력보호계전기, 누전경보기, 지락계전기 제품을 생산 판매하는 기업이다. 또한, 전기 사용 시 불안정한 전기가 공급될 경우 전기의 상태를 평가하는 디지털 미터 제품도 생산하고 있다.
빠르게 변화하는 미래의 기술과 환경 변화에 신속히 대응하고 시장을 선도하기 위해 한발 앞선 전력기술과 전자 · IT기술의 융합을 통한 친환경 신제품 개발에 전력을 집중하고 있는 ‘디이시스’를 만나본다.

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