Reducing Stuff: Electronics

Reducing Stuff: Electronics

Sorting through your electronics to decide what to keep and what to let go involves some strategic decision-making. We recently gathered all the computers, cameras, TVs, monitors, phones, cords — even SEVEN different forms of media storage. We then methodically reviewed everything to decide what to keep and how to dispose of those things that no longer serve a purpose in our lives.

Here we discuss the process we utilized and some of the things to keep in mind when sorting your electronics. We cover options for disposing of used tech as well as the things you might be hoarding (anyone besides Johnnie like to hang on to cords & boxes?).

You never know what emotional land mines might be waiting for you when you sort. Johnnie uncovered what he calls an “emotional bomb box” while handling electronics and talks about ways to deal with these when they surface.

There are plenty of sites to help you sell your old tech and countless local and national programs that will accept donations to refurbish computers, phones, etc. and then put them in the hands of people who can use them. Do a bit of research to find the program that works for you.

If you’re looking for recycling programs, check out companies like Best Buy (, OfficeMax/Office Depot (, and Staples ( Some even offer trade in credit for various items that you recycle. Many phone carriers also accept phones for recycling/trade in credit. Again, do a little research to see what program(s) you want to support.

Check out our other videos for tips on sorting entertainment and dealing with the “low-hanging fruit” of clutter. We’ll be adding more soon as we tackle things like clothing and books.

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