WATCH: Protests Come To San Angelo
WATCH: Protests Come To San Angelo
SAN ANGELO, TX — Following the tragic death of Houston native George Floyd in Minnesota after being handcuffed and kneed in the neck by a Minneapolis police officer, thousands across America have protested in his memory.
this is bullshit
Floyd died of a drug overdose – these bumkins dont know anything.
This has nothing to do with my stance on anything political but I just think it was funny that she was saying I don’t want any San Angelo live people here only for San Angelo live to post this. This is the most San Angelo live thing I’ve ever seen 🤣😂
Love how they’re protesting a PD that hasn’t had a single case of police brutality in years
I was looking to move to San Angelo to avoid this…
I’m all for improving police, through training or funding and weeding out bad apples. But BLM has shown across the country that they are willing to attack innocent people and preach hate. If it started out as a movement to improve the lives of minorities it was hijacked by by evil people long ago. Stand against wrongdoing on your own if you have to but BLM is counterproductive.
Rat protest in my city for no reason lololoollollollollollol
🙃 I was just in San Angelo on Tuesday
This makes me so fucking proud. The little West Texas town that could and did. Keep it up!!!!! Let’s Go!!!!!!
The balls for SAL to post this after being told to fuck off is hilarious lol
BLM is a known Marxist organization that has a proven track record of extreme violence, murder, looting, arson and many domestic terrorist crimes. This has no place in San Angelo, Tx.
The finest from San Angelo
San Angelo Police Department shows no signs of brutality and our police are quite amazing. (MOST) police don’t care about the pigmentation of your skin or your ethnicity, they care about pure justice and equality. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, it doesn’t matter. You are cool!
Thank you protesters. San angelo was less than 50 Rona cases. Count how many werent wearing masks, weren’t taking precautions, and yelling and spitting. How many of those people were at the hospital for the Rona just before this? Now the SA is in triple digits. Once again, thank you for standing up during a pandemic.
That was one really annoying lady
Go back to Austin
That adidas screaming girl is SO ANNOYING.
Black liver matter !
The movement leaders are filthy rich !
They used the movement to enrich them self .
She looks like Jaja binks from Star Wars.
Welp….they ended up broadcasting it lol
Wow, it should be all lives matter look what happened to Jack Miller and his son in San angelo Texas and no one talks about that.